Wednesday, 24 June 2015


The world recently celebrated Father’s and a dear colleague wished me Happy Father’s day and inspired this post. So Funmike this one’s for you!
I love my Dad. I also celebrate all the real men out there, who are positive role models. For in my estimation, that’s what Fatherhood is about. Unfortunately our society reflects the fact that most men have given up the responsibility of shaping positively the young lives who are eager to emulate ‘their heroes’.
Please if you had a biological event, contributed to the generation of another human being, acquired the title ‘Father’, but ditched the responsibility that comes with it? Please continue sipping from your beer glass, as you walk on by, ‘cos Father’s day doesn’t refer to you.
Today though, am celebrating the STRONG WOMEN who pull off the double shift of ‘Mum’ and ‘Dad’. Not just referring to single moms here, but the whole broad spectrum. Single Unmarried Mom, Widowed, Married but absent/unable/unwilling father Mom, Benefactor etc. Dear world I introduce to you, the woman who is a MATHER.
PROVIDER: A beautiful woman is more attractive when she signs the cheques. Or so the lyricists say. This woman works her fingers to the bone, to ensure that her young’uns have their needs met, even when some of hers get sacrificed.
PLANNER: Mather’s usually have lists for their lists! They are master strategists that would compete favourably with Napoleon. Fully aware that without a plan, the family are left vulnerable to the storms of life. Buffeted and tossed by the whims of its wind.
PROTECTOR: The Mather is fiercer that the She-Bear. Aware of the fact that she wears the pants as well as the skirts, she’d go all out to give her cubs the sense of security that they need to develop well. She protects them from even themselves by setting boundaries and establishing discipline which inculcates right values.
The world over, many people will give praise to a “Mather” who made them what they are today. Why do Mather’s exist, and why are they increasing in numbers by the day? We could blame it on economic downslide, blame it on environmental/social insecurity, moral decadence or whatever; truth is these women didn’t have to pick up the slack. They could’ve gone right ahead to pass the baton. They chose to be responsible, to chin up and forge a legacy, to be right, NOT BECAUSE THEY HAD THE ANSWERS, BUT BECAUSE THESE LIVES MEANT MORE THAN THEIR LIFE.
So cheers to all the Mather’s round the globe. I celebrate you. Your kids appreciate your sacrifice, and the world is grateful to you for your dedication. 
Keep being Golden…