Friday, 19 October 2018


Image result for you and me


Lyrical lines
Haltingly flow under my pen
Painting a vision unfolding before my eyes
Is it before? Or of things to come?
Shifting and shaping, events beyond my ken!
Paint I must, with words deliberate
Lest I myself, however unwitting, trigger a spate,
For words flung into the atmosphere
Takes on life and form, morphing each and everywhere
For words were at the start of the existence of
You and me.

Throngs, push and rally, Baba Sai!
Fanatically blinded, to the lack of merit,
Despite the wailing of many, whose one refrain is Baba?! Kai!
Obviously wilted, certificates not legit,
Still he pronounces, I AM THE CHANGE!
On that we all agree, what we debate…
The Good Book, says we will be given leaders after our own heart
Is he perhaps a reflection of what our souls are?
Is he just the public face,
Of the secret you, and me?

Smoke and light,
The picture fades, then bright!
For with every prophesy
One different action, shifts the sands of time
Another time, another lie
The declaration is made
There is a cracking, rumbling, groaning
Even the earth revolts,
The pervading spirit of the air,
Awakens the monster from its lair
The Beast hitherto sleeping,
Time which stretched seemingly unending,
Has now roused!
Set to ravage everything,
Including you and me.

This monster is in you, and me
Reduced to Neanderthals, we fight
For our dreams, hopes, very existence
We know what the norms are, the expectations
But whatever,
Unthinking, uncaring, with deep feelings
We change our fate
For the prophesy is just vapor
Lacking substance or truth
Without our action!
2019, is you and me.