Monday, 16 May 2016


Okay. So it’s the end of the day, and I have a little breathing space, or maybe I've just finally worked up the nerve to write this post. It’s been tugging at me, simmering below the surface, twitching my fingers to put down the words; but my broken heart. My bruised, aching broken heart…I've decided however that I’ll brave it, for these words have to be said, maybe in saying, enlightenment and healing will come for someone who happens on it; maybe that person would be me.
These past few weeks the media has been awash with cases of domestic abuse, and though the slant has been on physical abuse, there have been one or two accounts of other kinds as well. Reading through all that text, talking with the females around me, has caused my heart to break, to ache; for all the broken women braving it with a smile, because society tells them to. Because they have nowhere to go. Because they don’t know any better.
These men. These men who do these things. Who were they as little boys? Did they change as they grew into men? Was it always in them, but no one just noticed? Did they suffer a mental re-orientation that informed these ideals that were otherwise strange to them? That it is okay to enjoy the hurt they consciously and knowingly cause another? For they surely must enjoy it. For abuse isn't the one off action, but the repeated acts of wrong doing. And if it’s repeated, surely they must be sadistic?
My mind wonders, as I gaze on my sweet boy’s peaceful sleeping face. What kind of man am I grooming him to be? When I spank him for being naughty, and then draw him close, because I hurt for causing him hurt, no matter how deserving; am I inadvertently grooming a man who thinks that you hit the one you love, and then draw them close to explain why he hit her? When I ignore him, when he has upset me, in order to communicate my hurt, am I otherwise showing him how to be emotionally withdrawn, starving his love of attention? When I raise my voice, in anger, aware that the loud boom of my voice, strikes fear in his heart; am I showing him that authority lies in a raised voice? And instead of speaking respectfully and lovingly to her, will he instead shout her down like a serf? Tell me boy, who will you be?
Society doesn't help either. Society says as a strong woman, you must not only digest, but must enjoy digesting a steady diet of bullshit. Excuse my French. How do you explain all the negative comments that came at Tiwa Savage when she opened up about her pain? From fellow women no less! You've just disgraced your son’s father. Hello?! He did that already all by himself! Every woman is going through the same thing so shut up and stick a smile on your face. Erm… well that’s them. I applaud them, but I haven’t got, neither do I desire to have that forbearance. I’d rather my children have a father. Okay. As long as you realize that means they might not have a mother! It might be murder, from physical abuse, it might be suicide, from induced depression, or you might just LOSE YOURSELF. Becoming this insecure, cowering thing, or a twisted, bitter shadow of that beautiful girl with the bright eyes, from all the constant lies, disrespect, and put downs. In my book, all the above options are akin to death. Abuse brought on death.
I got out. I make no apologies. I make no excuse. I CHOSE. I got out. For every woman going through ANY form of abuse. It’s your life. Choose how it will be lived. Tolerate it, and smile; or choose out. Just make sure that it’s YOUR CHOICE. Don’t be coerced, manipulated, blackmailed, advised (sic), and/or threatened into doing anything against your better judgement/ intuition. CHOOSE wisely. For mothers, teach our sons’ to treasure, to love, to cherish, to respect, to nurture. Teach our daughter’s to value themselves, to demand recognition of the value. Or to walk.
I don’t advocate for broken homes, or careless single lives. I advocate happiness. In pairs, or alone.
Choose to be happy.



  1. Its a very beautiful piece. It calls to mind parenting tactis and their likely effect... nobody thinks of wat they are doing, nobody thinks dt far ahead... we jus do d same tin our parents did to us witout questioning and that might not be so smart or have the desired wffect we hoped for. Nice job 'B'

  2. Its a very beautiful piece. It calls to mind parenting tactis and their likely effect... nobody thinks of wat they are doing, nobody thinks dt far ahead... we jus do d same tin our parents did to us witout questioning and that might not be so smart or have the desired wffect we hoped for. Nice job 'B'

  3. Its a very beautiful piece. It calls to mind parenting tactis and their likely effect... nobody thinks of wat they are doing, nobody thinks dt far ahead... we jus do d same tin our parents did to us witout questioning and that might not be so smart or have the desired wffect we hoped for. Nice job 'B'

  4. Thanks dear. Just said it as it was. Hope more parents will consider the members of society they are grooming

  5. God hates divorce, Yes. But he doesn't hate the divorcee. I learnt that last week and it gave me a new perspective on things. The question now is, why do women stay? Silently, we judge those that leave and make them feel like they failed. Life First! I say WALK!

  6. Have had this on my mind for a while. Who are we raising our kids to become? When we spabk our kids is that not a form of DV? What makes it different from a man beating his wife for doing something wrong? Is it really different? Am I teaching her to use her fists to resolve disputes? Am I raising a bully? I ts been plaguing my mind and conscience for a few days. Still thinking about it.

  7. thanks Blessing for this post. Atleast you know my story and i am very grateful to God for allowing me to walk away when it was not too late. every woman should know her breaking point and take necessary actions. On the other hand women should be very observant when choosing life partner. Remember he found you but you Chose him. Choose wisely. As for our boys, mothers you will always see the traits of intolerance in them. Pls nip it at the bud. also prepare your daughters to be decisive, strong and out spoken. In all the are still good men out there who know the worth of their women and daughters. Pray that we all have and find such men. It is well

  8. Was just thinking same thing last week, who are we as mothers raising? Where do men learn to be such beasts? Is it from watching their Dads treat their Moms this way? Have we as parents failed? Too much emphasis is placed on raising the girl child and we neglect to place same values on our boys. May God help us every step of the way towards becoming better parents

  9. Its so great that women ate beginning to value life over marriage. I appreciate this article so much. I hope women around the world will get to believe in themselves more often than the do men.

  10. As your name implies, you are indeed a blessing on to me!

  11. As your name implies, you are indeed a blessing on to me!

  12. I thank you all who left a comment on this piece. It a very real threat to our society, and we all together by speaking out, and encouraging each other can cause the change we want to see. Reach out a hand in love and support another you see struggling, remember we all need one another. Don't forget to share links on your channels, so more people can be blessed. Chazaq!!!

  13. God bless you, Blessing! I'm grateful you were 'rescued' by His grace and you can live life fully.

  14. This is eye-opening. The way we train our children affects the adults they grow up to be. Pls can I share it on my blog? Just starting out and I need thought-provoking write-ups like this. Thankyou
