As with
most of my posts, this one is inspired by a conversation with my Prince. His
holiday project was one that he put much attention to do, and was quite proud
of the finished work, which he eagerly took to school to submit. There was
however the slight confusion of if we were to draw or use a real flower. First
day of school and the usual conversation of how school was ensued.
about your project? Did you submit it?’
‘No, the teacher didn’t come to our class’ was
the response.
‘Okay, so did you see others from your class
mates? Did they draw or did they use a real flower.’ ‘Everybody drew’.
‘hmm…, well do you want us to quickly draw one?’
I asked,
‘No its okay, mine is original, original is good’
Wow! That
pleased me. You’ve got to understand that even as adults very few people are
courageous enough to stand for what they believe even if they are the only one.
To be true to themselves, and hence the world. To live in liberation of who
they truly are before the world wittingly and unwittingly conditioned them,
forming a caricature of who they truly are.
My son is
a generous person. That’s his true nature, this last Sunday, he didn’t have the
opportunity to put his offering in. A teenager observed him with the money, and
asked that he give it to him to use for transport. My son gave. When I heard
the story, my reaction was that he had just been conned! But who is to say that
he was? You see my conditioning had led me to reveal myself as a suspicious,
afraid being, ever watchful for the manipulative antics of other humans. My
son, still fresh in his honesty, walked in love to give freely, obtaining the
joy that comes from living free, genuinely seeing the good in people.
As with
most folks, the beginning of the year is usually reflective. I’ve been thinking
and examining. I’ll confess that it hasn’t been a very easy process. Who am I
really? Before the conditioning of experience, exposure, education,
socio-economic and political culture? Before the hurts, disappointments,
rejections and other hard knocks of life? Am I living my authentic self? Does my voice ring true for the
convictions and values I hold dear, or is it a hollow echo of someone else’s
truth? I don’t know. I do know that I am courageous enough to dig deep, and
willing to unveil the queen behind the veil. Won’t you do the same for you?
Be Original, Original Rocks
Living the Golden Life
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