Conversation between Mother and Son
Son: ‘Mom what did you mean when
you said that you’re giving me a hearty breakfast because I slept without
having dinner?’
Mom: ‘What do you think I meant?’
Son: ‘That you’re giving me a
really filling meal, so I’d be satisfied since I didn’t have any dinner.’
Mom: ‘So if you know, why are you
asking me?’
Son (with a cute smile and wink):
‘Maybe because I just like the sound of my voice!’ and runs out of the kitchen
dodging my well-aimed kick to his backside!
I laugh to myself, thinking,
‘Okay, brace up, you’re raising a drama king!’ Then the undertone of the lesson
starts to flow gently into my heart.
We live in a time and age, where
content generated and shared is applauded and rewarded. So much so that it’s
become a career and a money spinner. Everyone is just talking, talking and
talking! (Written and spoken words alike). I recently listened to a Member of
House of the House of Representative opine his views about women in politics
being a bit over the top. His reasoning ‘They already control the home, why
should we let them also control the work space!’ Fellow members laughed! I was
upset that I had wasted valuable time and data to listen/watch that! As far as
I was concerned, he liked the sound of his voice, and thought we should also be
pleased with the auditory sensations of his voice!
We are spending so much time
talking, and not nearly enough listening. Listening to our hearts, the souls we
engage with daily, and the world around us. With so many words, lacking value
or even true meaning, how can we hear the unease or discontent that abounds? Or
perhaps we hear it, and think more words will eventually drown it out?
Are we perhaps afraid that if we
stopped to listen, we would hear our own inefficiencies and self doubt?
Courage! For we MUST listen, to ourselves, and seek the value within; to the
young ones, and hear the character taking shape; to God, so we can find
direction and the purpose of the golden life we speak into being.
Listen, then speak Gold
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