Thursday, 19 December 2019


It’s the festive season again and with its ‘ho ho ho’, goodwill and cheer to all men! Isn’t it funny how in the midst of all the rambunctious partying the quiet moments still seem to filter persistently through? That’s if the morning after cymbals and drumset in your head would ease a bit. Perhaps you were not even fortunate to have a party to go to, with friends to hang out with, and as such the silence is twice as loud… where the clock ticking seems to mock you “Alone, again, just you, alone, again” in a never ending rhythm! Arrggggghhhhhh !!! I know, no need to tick tock it to death!
Well if this sounds familiar in anyway, first thing you should know is that there are a lot more people in this boat that you would reckon! Yup! Even the ones with rings on their finger… some of them actually have it worse (sic!) Quickly moving on because this is a no hating zone, (cheeky wink) what do we do to take away the blues? I got a list here that is guarandamnteed to work if you follow it to a T!
1) Do (not) play and listen to all those maudlin love songs. All wrapped up under your duvet, holding your pillow tight, imagining a slow waltz and how beautiful and svelte you look. By all means please indulge in such dreams.
2) Do (not) put on happily ever after cheesy love stories, stuffing your face with ice-cream and cold chicken while sighing on how gorgeous the prince looks. After all the sugar wouldn’t take you on a sugar high, and bring you crashing down even lower. No Jose! Not to mention how your waist will never add an inch!
3) Do (not) say yes to each and every invite in a crazy chase away the blues party carousel. While you are at it too please “bottoms up!” is such a fun thing, the more, the merrier! Let loose, sober is so overrated!
4) Don’t (not) attend family gatherings (unless your family is seriously toxic, and even then you can be grateful that your life isn’t that bitter). These people loved you while you were still in nappies, never caring that you weren’t slaying with your fancy clothes, perfumes, jewellery and beat up face! Please avoid them, who needs them anyway when you’ve got Instagram and snap chat and all them “social” platforms that allow you to “interact” while observing “reality”.
5) My final and best bit - Please do (not) go shopping! Self love! Show them who is boss! Swipe that card like it was made to. Gift yourself every heart desire! After all its love your neighbour as yourself! Surely those ‘things’ will fill the gaping hole created by ‘people’.
Seriously, take the above advice. Best served with a pinch of salt. What to really really do?
Stretch out, feel that health in your bones and muscles, and smile.
Look up, see a ceiling or a sky? Be grateful and smile.
Don’t hide, celebrate life, with all its nuances, and a tear drop still forms and rolls down…celebrate that too, simply because it’s proof that you are gloriously human! Sure being alone sucks, but being alive beats that 10,000 times over. Remember that and rock every minute of it that you've got!


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