I just watched this movie – “The Great Gatsby” where the
main character was hailed as the most “Hopeful” person the narrator had met. I
guess that was high praise. With all the things that can go wrong while existing on
planet earth, it’s so easy to get despondent. To despair and fall into a major
depression, due to the constant dread of impending doom. (Hmn… why are there so
many dreary words that begin with the letter D?! Join the fun, share some of
your own words in the comment section). Hope becomes very important to succeed.
Being a Nigerian and living in Nigeria requires that you
have high doses of this thing called Hope. You cook and fill the fridge with
food to last a month with the ‘Hope’ that Power supply will cooperate to ensure
that the food doesn’t go bad. You wake up in the morning and turn the taps with
the ‘Hope’ that water board hasn’t gone on the blink again. You get stopped by
a traffic warden, and you ‘Hope’ he would be satisfied with a smile and would
just let you go after his check of your papers, fire extinguisher and waste
basket has ALL CHECKED OUT!
Hope in love, though, is a whole different ball game all
together. Gatsby is a great example for hope in love. He fell in love with a
moneyed golden girl, who desperately loved him too, but didn’t love his
penniless state at all. So she ‘falls in love’ with old money embodied in a
brute. Gatsby doesn’t give up hope. He made the money, came back to recapture
her heart and win her hand. Relentlessly hoping that he’d succeed. Won’t spoil
it for those who decide to watch it. I’ll just say it’s worth watching.
Hope for women is brutal. We rest so much on it, and get so disappointed.
We all know the examples. We Hope that he’s changed, and that its just innocent
flirtation. We Hope that he meant it when he said he’d never lose his temper
that way again. We Hope that he’d be more responsible, be more around, be more
involved. We Hope that he’s the One. We Hope.
Then one day, when time has irrevocably passed, we realise
that the beautiful pieces of glass shattered at our feet, which we’ve been
prancing on, ignoring (or doing our best to ignore) the stinging pain from our
feet, is actually our hopes, with the following lost opportunities we
This terrible beautiful thing called hope…
Living life like its golden.
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