Friday, 19 October 2018


Image result for you and me


Lyrical lines
Haltingly flow under my pen
Painting a vision unfolding before my eyes
Is it before? Or of things to come?
Shifting and shaping, events beyond my ken!
Paint I must, with words deliberate
Lest I myself, however unwitting, trigger a spate,
For words flung into the atmosphere
Takes on life and form, morphing each and everywhere
For words were at the start of the existence of
You and me.

Throngs, push and rally, Baba Sai!
Fanatically blinded, to the lack of merit,
Despite the wailing of many, whose one refrain is Baba?! Kai!
Obviously wilted, certificates not legit,
Still he pronounces, I AM THE CHANGE!
On that we all agree, what we debate…
The Good Book, says we will be given leaders after our own heart
Is he perhaps a reflection of what our souls are?
Is he just the public face,
Of the secret you, and me?

Smoke and light,
The picture fades, then bright!
For with every prophesy
One different action, shifts the sands of time
Another time, another lie
The declaration is made
There is a cracking, rumbling, groaning
Even the earth revolts,
The pervading spirit of the air,
Awakens the monster from its lair
The Beast hitherto sleeping,
Time which stretched seemingly unending,
Has now roused!
Set to ravage everything,
Including you and me.

This monster is in you, and me
Reduced to Neanderthals, we fight
For our dreams, hopes, very existence
We know what the norms are, the expectations
But whatever,
Unthinking, uncaring, with deep feelings
We change our fate
For the prophesy is just vapor
Lacking substance or truth
Without our action!
2019, is you and me.

Friday, 24 August 2018


I have the nicest friends ever! Really I do! And what is life without great friendships?! Picture this- to my friends (a couple) hearing I declare my longing for a local dish, and my reluctance to cook it for myself. My friend quickly offers for his wife to cook it and share with me. The offer itself was kind enough and I suitably extended my gratitude. Of course good manners wasn’t going to make me remind them to do it, if they ‘conveniently’ forgot. Imagine my surprise therefore when she calls me, saying the food was ready, and she was willing to drive out to get it to me. Disregarding the distance she’d have to drive under pouring rain, just to fulfill a ‘stomach’s’ desire?! I was beyond humbled! I carried that flask reverently filled with awe at such kindness, because honestly I dare say I couldn’t have done that myself!

I figured, if she drove out all the way to get it to me, then I might as well honor her by eating it hot and fresh! So I set the flask on the dining table, fetch a fork, say a blessing, send another heart felt message of thanks to the couple, then inviting all to join me I settle in to begin my meal.
My son over my shoulder, looks at the meal and says, ‘it looks like it’s the dogs’ meal!!’ Honestly, if he was close to me, he’d have ‘felt’ the crack of thunder on the nearest part of his body that I could reach. As he wasn’t, I had to content myself with strongly reprimanding him verbally! Imagine?! How dare you say something like that about a food I was about to eat, especially one that was such a selfless sacrifice of love?!

As quick as the words were leaving my mouth, I felt a wash of shame that lowered my voice, and stilled my appetite. I remembered saying to someone who was about to eat her meal of oats, that I didn’t like to eat oats because it reminded me of catarrh with lumps! And several other thoughtless things I’ve innocently said without thinking. What right had I to chastise my boy, when the apple obviously hadn’t fallen very far from the tree?

I thoughtfully chewed, meditating on the learning that my son had unwittingly reminded me of again  that evening. ‘Remove the log from your eye so that you can better see to remove the speck from another’ (Matthew 7:5), how often had I viewed my attitude as being okay, explaining my actions via my intentions, but judging others solely on their actions and the consequences? Perhaps I remained single because of the log in my eye that didn’t permit me see that the standard I had set for a selection, was actually a bar that I hadn’t surpassed and hence fenced me in?
Well I’m definitely going to be on the lookout for ‘em logs; and if you’re a friend and you spot them, do be a dear and point them out. Or you can come for a log chopping party and help stack up logs for a huge bonfire of hypocritical and limiting habits!

Every day, In Every Way, Be the Best of You!

Golden Lessons, via a Golden Child

Wednesday, 27 June 2018


Societal rules have always been confusing to me. How can it, at the same time, be cultured to behave a certain way and wimpy if you do! You’re not following? Okay let me start from the beginning.
Mom, I want to ask my class teacher for the biscuit she promised me”

‘Erm, that’s not so cool, you have biscuits, why do you need to remind her about this one, what makes it special? Please don’t, if she remembers and gives you then fine, if she doesn’t don’t remind her. It will make you look greedy”

"No mom, it was her birthday and I wasn’t at school that day and she promised to give me mine, I’m not begging, just reminding her to give me what is already mine as she promised! I didn’t ask her, initially, she promised by herself!”

A pause, then…

Mom, aren’t you the one always saying to go after what I want? That the world will not hand me anything and I have to get up, speak up and go get what I want?

S – I –L – E –N –C –E

See what I mean?
We’ve been conditioned not to ‘come boldly’ (Hebrews 4:16) because it’s not ‘proper’ by societal standards, and now that we see the limitations and consciously try to overcome it, we ‘do not receive, because we don’t know how to ask!’ (James 4:3) Still bound by what society dictates, ask according to what society defines success and life to be.

Well, I’ve decided; to throw out the societal rule book, and use the one golden rule of all, to guide ALL interactions, behaviour, requests, …everything! The Golden rule? LOL! How about a bit of mystery? It’s quite simple really, if you know you know! (Big Cheeky Grin!)

Golden Girl Living by the Golden Rule

Friday, 20 April 2018


Conversation between Mother and Son

Son: ‘Mom what did you mean when you said that you’re giving me a hearty breakfast because I slept without having dinner?’
Mom: ‘What do you think I meant?’
Son: ‘That you’re giving me a really filling meal, so I’d be satisfied since I didn’t have any dinner.’
Mom: ‘So if you know, why are you asking me?’
Son (with a cute smile and wink): ‘Maybe because I just like the sound of my voice!’ and runs out of the kitchen dodging my well-aimed kick to his backside!

I laugh to myself, thinking, ‘Okay, brace up, you’re raising a drama king!’ Then the undertone of the lesson starts to flow gently into my heart.
We live in a time and age, where content generated and shared is applauded and rewarded. So much so that it’s become a career and a money spinner. Everyone is just talking, talking and talking! (Written and spoken words alike). I recently listened to a Member of House of the House of Representative opine his views about women in politics being a bit over the top. His reasoning ‘They already control the home, why should we let them also control the work space!’ Fellow members laughed! I was upset that I had wasted valuable time and data to listen/watch that! As far as I was concerned, he liked the sound of his voice, and thought we should also be pleased with the auditory sensations of his voice!
We are spending so much time talking, and not nearly enough listening. Listening to our hearts, the souls we engage with daily, and the world around us. With so many words, lacking value or even true meaning, how can we hear the unease or discontent that abounds? Or perhaps we hear it, and think more words will eventually drown it out?
Are we perhaps afraid that if we stopped to listen, we would hear our own inefficiencies and self doubt? Courage! For we MUST listen, to ourselves, and seek the value within; to the young ones, and hear the character taking shape; to God, so we can find direction and the purpose of the golden life we speak into being.
Listen, then speak Gold

Tuesday, 13 February 2018


Image result for color

With this season comes the wash of red
A washing of blood viciously bled
Red to depict fiery, burning passionate emotion
Feelings first, no heed to sense or caution.

My love is good, true and Blue
Color it Blue, it speaks to you.

My love is Warm, Dynamic and Orange
So Roiling across the different range

My love is sunny shiny Yellow
Color it happy, it never leaves you hollow

My love is Royal Purple
Fit for no one but MY king.

My love is Rich and Green
Fruitful and Rewarding

Colour My Love
For it is more shades than red.

Golden Love,

Friday, 2 February 2018


Image result for loveAH! Is this how I’m going to start this month?! Of all months this February?! I’ve been DUMPED! Ah my poor heart!

Unceremoniously and without preamble, my angel tells me ‘Mom, I can’t be your best friend anymore!’ the statement that brought my head up from my phone quick as a flash, and had me befuddled!
Why?’ I gently inquire, checking to see if I have in anyway defaulted on any promise, or not been ‘bestfriendly’ in any of my recent actions, behavior, words… what will prompt this one again bikonu?!
Mom, family can’t be best friends, they already share a blood bond that they can’t break. Best friends come by ‘choice’! Oh ho!! Na me send you to school, no vex Ette! But, I’ve got the upper hand, because you see, apart from the fact that I’ve had several more years of schooling, and life experiences; I’m a woman and a mom! These species know ALL things! LOL! So I have just the perfect rejoinder! Perfect because it’s TRUE!
But babe, I may have a blood bond, but not necessarily like you, so I’ll try to escape you or give you up, or ignore you. I love you, because yes there is the blood bond, but I really LIKE YOU, and CHOOSE YOU as MY best friend! That won me silence, one of his intense looks to see if I was telling the truth, then a big, tight hug! Ahhh!

This thing called love is in the air, its February afterall. Everyone is on the band wagon of St. Valentine. It’s so noisy on this wagon, that you barely find the peace to settle your heart and rediscover what the essence of true love is; understand what the authenticity of what it really feels and looks like. Too many times we chase the vapors, sacrifice our values, on a type a shadow, at best a certified photocopy.

Love must first start from you, for how can you ‘choose’ genuine love, if we cannot recognize it? How can we recognize it, if we don’t first recognize the originator? And it’s not St. Valentine! The refrain of a song plays in my ears as I type this ‘…thank you for loving me, too much o! excess love o! It took me a while, but I finally recognized You, and Accepted that You CHOSE TO LOVE ME, not because, but although, warts and all, ‘cos that’s just who YOU are. We share a bond I can’t escape from, only be liberated by.

What manner of Golden Love?

Saturday, 13 January 2018


It’s another Saturday, and women know the horror of going to the market on Saturdays for the weeks’ supply of groceries. Honestly, the government that that helps us establish ultra-modern markets will have my life time vote! (or something like that! LOL). 
Image result for ding a ling a ringAnyways, I courageously head to the market this Saturday morning (because a girl must do what a girl must do) and expectedly it is the same crazy mix of humans, cars, wares and some animals here and there, all screaming and tooting horns as the feeling takes them, which was quite often. Parking of course was the usual nightmare. However I spy a spot on the street a short distance from the market and quickly park my car, heading out to the market before anyone can call me back.
On getting to my car after buying my groceries, what do I meet but an enterprising young man busily washing my car! It’s a good day so I start to chuckle. This my country! You hustle to make a buck with much risk! I ask him, ‘Oga so na by force washing be this now?’ ‘No oh, madam, I just say make I wash am, if you appreciate me, no problem.’ Was his response.

I stand watching him complete his task as my mind flies with thoughts. You see, this is how some of my single sisters, quickly ‘occupy’! They see a guy, who isn’t in a relationship,-ding ding! Potential husband material, and go on autopilot- 'I can groom him, make myself useful, get him hooked on me, till he sees he can’t live without me'. Then they start to call 'just checking on you', forming nice 'have you eaten', Being concerned 'hope the fuel situation is not stressing you', giving of themselves 'I believe in you, here, take my life savings and start the business,'...

 Like the enterprising man, it’s a risk! That play sometimes pays off with the ding a ling a ring, but other times… I may have come back from my shopping with no extra cash to spare, or given him something far lower than his effort. Some guys just enjoy the attention showered on them, but their empty pockets (hearts) has no love to spare! Some enjoy the attention, and when asked is this going to get to the Promised Land, they go ‘you’re like a sister to me!’
A play off of your heart, time, effort, emotions, resources for a ring might be worth it, but girls you may want to reconsider. The stakes are high. Moreover, you’d always wonder, did he really choose you, or is he merely coasting having just gone passively with the tide?

You’re worth a definite stand, and a pursuit! Only #occupyoninvitation

For my golden girls, because you’re worth it!


Monday, 8 January 2018


Image result for ORIGINALIt’s really a blessing to be part of the growing up years of a child. Watching a human take shape in their opinions, and convictions. I am constantly in awe of it, and humbled, that I have the opportunity and great responsibility to be part of that.

As with most of my posts, this one is inspired by a conversation with my Prince. His holiday project was one that he put much attention to do, and was quite proud of the finished work, which he eagerly took to school to submit. There was however the slight confusion of if we were to draw or use a real flower. First day of school and the usual conversation of how school was ensued.
How about your project? Did you submit it?’
‘No, the teacher didn’t come to our class’ was the response.
‘Okay, so did you see others from your class mates? Did they draw or did they use a real flower.’ ‘Everybody drew’.
‘hmm…, well do you want us to quickly draw one?’ I asked,
‘No its okay, mine is original, original is good’
Wow! That pleased me. You’ve got to understand that even as adults very few people are courageous enough to stand for what they believe even if they are the only one. To be true to themselves, and hence the world. To live in liberation of who they truly are before the world wittingly and unwittingly conditioned them, forming a caricature of who they truly are.

My son is a generous person. That’s his true nature, this last Sunday, he didn’t have the opportunity to put his offering in. A teenager observed him with the money, and asked that he give it to him to use for transport. My son gave. When I heard the story, my reaction was that he had just been conned! But who is to say that he was? You see my conditioning had led me to reveal myself as a suspicious, afraid being, ever watchful for the manipulative antics of other humans. My son, still fresh in his honesty, walked in love to give freely, obtaining the joy that comes from living free, genuinely seeing the good in people.

As with most folks, the beginning of the year is usually reflective. I’ve been thinking and examining. I’ll confess that it hasn’t been a very easy process. Who am I really? Before the conditioning of experience, exposure, education, socio-economic and political culture? Before the hurts, disappointments, rejections and other hard knocks of life? Am I living my authentic self? Does my voice ring true for the convictions and values I hold dear, or is it a hollow echo of someone else’s truth? I don’t know. I do know that I am courageous enough to dig deep, and willing to unveil the queen behind the veil. Won’t you do the same for you?

Be Original, Original Rocks
Living the Golden Life