This post is a sequel to the earlier post of Dating Etiquette for Single Moms. So I guess I should call it part 2. I am afterall a Nigerian! Lol!
So my friends and family, asked me. " Two things Blessing, thanks for the encouragement, but please tell us what could be considered 'The Best of You"? I was just going to quip "Discover you, then give the best version! It says so in the second to last paragraph of the post!" But quick as a flash the thought came to me. "You could help in the discovery by pointing them in the right direction". So instead I smiled and answered, "Stay tuned for the next post!". So here goes...anything!
1) Intelligence: Make an effort to educate yourself. Read Widely!!!! I can't emphasize this enough! I know some people get hung up about reading motivational books, how to books, biographies of great leaders et al. We all favour one genre or the other. But please make an effort to diversify once in every while. Don't just follow the story. Learn the meaning, use and play of words. Look up the references to cities and cultures. Try to recreate the exotic sounding meals described. There's the internet folks, USE IT!!! Question otherwise held truths. Discover the world daily. Understand what it means in relation to your sphere of influence. Then REHEARSE! It should all flow together naturally, not like you're some puppet president reading from a screen prompter!
2) Be Smart and Savvy- Am referring to your "street cred" now. Swag, Confidence, Odeshi, however you can relate. This really stems from one major intelligence that complements the popular Intelligence Quotient (IQ). Oyinbo calls it Emotional Intelligence. Understand body language beginning with yours. understand your emotional responses to situations in and around you, build confidence and then act accordingly. Shrinking Violet behaviour is out, and ain't ever coming back, trust me.
3) Find Humour: It really is the 5D glasses through which life should be seen. Hold on what am I talking (writing) about? We shouldn't "see" (observe) life?! We should LIVE it! Okay so back track...It really is the Happy Bubble in which life should be Lived (experienced). Learn to laugh at yourself, and situations around you. Don't be mean in humour. Don't mock. Not even yourself. That brings down your confidence. What I mean is be sunflower happy, and joyful, as much as possible. Let your tinkling, rumbling, cackling, giggly, guffaw sound frequently out to the heavens. No one likes a sour puss. Not even you!
4) Dream: Dream big, small, tall, bright... just DREAM! It lends to mystery. That you can go into your mind and create scenarios that makes you smile and make people ask: "What makes you tick?" Beyond dreaming ACT. What's the use in living in fantasy land, if it cant merge with reality? Live in fantasy long enough and Yaba, Lagos skyline from your tiny barred window, might be your reality! Lol! But seriously. Dreams are not cheap. They require time, and we all know that time is cheddar (money)! Create positive energetic scenarios that makes you move to accomplish. You might call it the Power of Positivism. Enough has been said on that so I wont go DIA (there)! Use google and do your research!!!
In the beginning, I said I was asked two things. I've written on 1 thing (Read the book "The One Thing" by Gary Keller with Jay Papasan). The second thing... Stay tuned for the next post. I'll give you a hint - What kind of guys you should be dating...
And as we wait for the Nigerian Presidential Elections to be announced, BE THE BEST CITIZEN/PATRIOT YOU CAN BE! SAY NO TO POST ELECTION VIOLENCE!!!
Life is a race, Be the Best, Be Golden.
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