If we were to play a game where we asked people to say the first thing that came to their minds at the word "Woman", I'm sure we would hear some pretty interesting adjectives. Let me attempt to supply some:
Beautiful, Evil, Soft, Strong, Nurturing, Temptress, Helper, Leech, Multi-talented, Intelligent, Powerful, Emotional...
I honestly think we are all these, and then some. These days however, we place more emphasis on the "Strong " bit. One keeps hearing phrases like " Strong Woman, Strong Independent Sister, Strong and real..." Reminds me of when I was in labour. I smile at the memory now, but Kai! It wasn't funny! I had that "Strong Black African Woman" thing firmly fixed in my head, and was determined to push that baby out with no chemical aid. I was going to give those white nurses something to talk about over tea. Then the pain hit! Ehn?! See me calling to be gassed with laughing gas, injected, massaged, walking the room half naked and half mad with pain that didn't want to stop for over twelve hours! "Strong" woman out the window, Just "Woman" VERY present. Lol!
Hey but seriously, what's wrong with being Womanly? Soft and sweet like gummy bears? Yeah, you'd get licked some, so? What's wrong with being all Delilah with the wiles sometimes? That kind of power is heady sometimes, confess! What's wrong with a bit of Marilyn Monroe sexy? Those curves have got to count for something, right?! What's wrong in being emotional? God created us so, He must've known that man's existence needed that kinda juice sometimes!
Sometimes we get so strung out trying to be strong when what we really need to be is Woman, the soft, sweet, sexy part . If you're going to always be strong, and independent, and angular; where does the man fit in, assuming you want one that is? You're complementing not competing; and I haven't ever seen a complement being exactly the same shape and substance as the base product.
A little bit of sugar never hurt anyone,if anything, it is a requirement! So for all my strong sisters, pulling their own, and strongly swinging both Mom and Dad roles, take a break and BE WOMAN!
Be Sweet, Be Soft, Be Sexy, Be Golden!
Photocredit: Snappypixels.com
Beautiful, Evil, Soft, Strong, Nurturing, Temptress, Helper, Leech, Multi-talented, Intelligent, Powerful, Emotional...
I honestly think we are all these, and then some. These days however, we place more emphasis on the "Strong " bit. One keeps hearing phrases like " Strong Woman, Strong Independent Sister, Strong and real..." Reminds me of when I was in labour. I smile at the memory now, but Kai! It wasn't funny! I had that "Strong Black African Woman" thing firmly fixed in my head, and was determined to push that baby out with no chemical aid. I was going to give those white nurses something to talk about over tea. Then the pain hit! Ehn?! See me calling to be gassed with laughing gas, injected, massaged, walking the room half naked and half mad with pain that didn't want to stop for over twelve hours! "Strong" woman out the window, Just "Woman" VERY present. Lol!
Hey but seriously, what's wrong with being Womanly? Soft and sweet like gummy bears? Yeah, you'd get licked some, so? What's wrong with being all Delilah with the wiles sometimes? That kind of power is heady sometimes, confess! What's wrong with a bit of Marilyn Monroe sexy? Those curves have got to count for something, right?! What's wrong in being emotional? God created us so, He must've known that man's existence needed that kinda juice sometimes!
Sometimes we get so strung out trying to be strong when what we really need to be is Woman, the soft, sweet, sexy part . If you're going to always be strong, and independent, and angular; where does the man fit in, assuming you want one that is? You're complementing not competing; and I haven't ever seen a complement being exactly the same shape and substance as the base product.
A little bit of sugar never hurt anyone,if anything, it is a requirement! So for all my strong sisters, pulling their own, and strongly swinging both Mom and Dad roles, take a break and BE WOMAN!
Be Sweet, Be Soft, Be Sexy, Be Golden!
Photocredit: Snappypixels.com
Aww! I love this piece.
ReplyDeleteI am a strong, sexy, super woman. In my head lol
but when i look into the eyes of my little precious, i thank God that at least i am a woman.
We will get there!
ReplyDeleteWe will get there!